Why custom roms for oneplus 12R
The custom roms for oneplus 12R is great alternative for oxygen os which is now merged with color os. Throughout custom rom is now not more stable or official but it’s great to test this custom rom for this devices.
1. Pixel OS
Pixel OS is great OS for oneplus 12R that will give you a great interface like pixel phones. pixel phones are great for their software experience. so that you can get full Pixel OS experience with Oneplus 12R.
Pixel OS will give you clean and beautiful material UI that will give us a pixel OS experience.

Here is the link https://xdaforums.com/t/12r-ace3-rom-14-unofficial-pixelos-aosp-21-06-24.4662225/
2. Colored Oxygen OS
Colored oxygen OS is with some customization of Oxygen OS. It’s with some extra features like blocking ads and many things
Link : https://xdaforums.com/t/rom-custom-colored-oxygenos.4666979/

3. Rising OS
The rising OS is good OS for customization with stock android.

4. Lineage OS
Lineage OS is good for privacy and security. Lineage OS is also old oxygen OS.
LINK: https://xdaforums.com/t/rom-14-unofficial-lineageos-for-oneplus-12r-ace-3-13-06-24.4669911/